Release Notes

Substance Use Costs and Harms

csuch version 3.0.2

Updated counts and rates of hospitalizations for conditions arising during pregnancy.

Updated costs and counts of emergency department visits by age group.

csuch version 3.0.1

Updated counts and rates of day surgeries. Removed cost and per-capita cost metric when outcome is set to workers’ compensation administration for 2020.

csuch version 3.0.0

Added data for 2007-2020 with improved methods.

csuch version 2.0.0

Added data for 2015-2017 and archived data for 2007-2014.

Data for years 2007–2014 will be updated with improvements and made available in the online data visualization tool soon.

csuch version 1.0.2

Removed per capita metric for Québec when outcome is set to either overall or total healthcare.

Added these release notes.

csuch version 1.0.1

Disabled outcomes that are currently not available in the tool.

Added the version number to the footer of all downloadable assets.

csuch version 1.0.0

CSUCH visualization tool released.

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