Provincial and Territorial Substance Use Costs
Highlights current costs and harms attributed with substance use costs in Canada’s provinces and territories.
View the Provincial and Territorial Infographics page for infographics highlighting the substance use costs and harms
for the Canadian provinces and territories in 2020. You can also produce customized analyses by province or territory
using the CSUCH online data visualization tool.
Overall Per-Person Provincial and Territorial Substance Use Costs
The top four provinces and territories by per-person costs related to substance use are:
- Nunavut ($7,284)
- Northwest Territories ($5,080)
- Prince Edward Island ($1,737)
- Alberta ($1,638)
The bottom four provinces and territories by per-person costs related to substance use are:
- Ontario ($1,234)
- New Brunswick ($1,311)
- Manitoba ($1,384)
- British Columbia ($1,450)
Provincial and Territorial Substance Use Costs by Category
Outlines the per-person costs of each category as it relates to the provinces and territories in Canada.
Lost Productivity Costs by Province and Territory
The top four provinces and territories by per-person lost productivity costs are:
- Nunavut ($3,759)
- Northwest Territories ($2,461)
- Prince Edward Island ($906)
- Alberta ($777)
The bottom four provinces and territories by per-person costs related to lost productivity are:
- Quebec ($422)
- Ontario ($540)
- Manitoba ($543)
- New Brunswick ($568)
Healthcare Costs by Province and Territory
The top four provinces and territories by per-person healthcare costs are:
- Nunavut ($1,262)
- Northwest Territories ($891)
- Yukon Territory ($830)
- Nova Scotia ($508)
The bottom four provinces and territories by per-person healthcare costs are:
- Ontario ($342)
- Manitoba ($371)
- British Columbia ($393)
- Saskatchewan ($423)
Criminal Justice Costs by Province and Territory
The top four provinces or territories by per-costs costs related to criminal justice costs are:
- Nunavut ($1,945)
- Northwest Territories ($1,508)
- Yukon Territory ($903)
- Saskatchewan ($361)
The bottom four provinces/territories by per-person criminal justice costs are:
- New Brunswick ($224)
- Quebec ($232)
- Alberta ($242)
- Newfoundland and Labrador ($246)
Other Direct Costs by Province and Territory
The top four provinces and territories by per-person other direct costs are:
- Nunavut ($318)
- Northwest Territories ($220)
- Alberta ($165)
- Yukon Territory ($143)
The bottom four provinces and territories by per-person other direct costs are:
- Saskatchewan ($48)
- British Columbia ($54)
- Quebec ($66)
- Ontario ($85)